16 December 2012

Braided hairstyles / Cum sa imi impletesc parul? Idei...

 I found that I like to wear my hair tied, it doesn't get in my way all the time and it is easy to wear, so I try all kinds of braids, buns, different hairstyles, that allow me to I wear my hair tied or even part of it tied so it doesn't bother me. And because I do not want to wear the same old pony tail every day I found some easy to do braids, different kind of buns and ideas how to style your hair:

Am descoperit ca nu imi place sa imi port parul desprins, deoarece imi e mai tot timpul in ochi, asa ca am cautat tot felul de impletituri, cocuri, coafuri in general care sa imi permita sa imi port parul legat sau macar o parte din el legat, incat sa nu ma incurce, insa sa nu fie nici monoton si aceasi coada de cal in fiecare zi :). Si asa am descoperit si invatat urmatoarele impletituri, cocuri si idei de coafuri usor de realizat singure:

1. French Braid 1 

2. French Braid  2

3. Fish Tail Braid:

4. "Waterfall" Braid:

5. Headband Braid - 1

6. Headband Braid -  2

7. "Snake" Braid :

8. Impletitura din 5 :

9. Bun 1

10. Bun 2

Care dintre ele va plac si pe care le faceti mai des? Ce alte tipuri de impletituri cunoasteti?
 Sau cocuri usor de realizat?